Get ready, dancers! Our studio will be moving to a new location we are building for our 2025 Spring Session. We are excited and loving our new space and think you will too. Please follow us on social media to stay up-to-date with all the details.
All Centerstage families are asked to set up an automatic monthly payment program using a credit or debit card. Tuition will be run on the 1st of the month for the entire Session.
- Our classes are structured around Sessions. Fall Session runs September – December (4 monthly payments), Spring Session runs January – May (5 monthly payments), and Summer Session runs July – August (1 payment). We also have an annual registration fee.
- Families are welcome to pay for the entire session, for which there is a discount, by cash, check, or credit. All monthly payment accounts must use a credit or debit card.
- Students will automatically be enrolled from Fall to Spring classes unless we are informed otherwise. If a student plans on changing classes from Fall to Spring Session, please inform us by December 1st. If your student is not continuing for the Spring Session, please notify us by the 1st of December.
- Tuition will only be pro-rated if a student starts class after the start of the session.
- On accounts where the credit card expires or declines, a late fee of $15 will be assessed after the 7th of the month. Accounts not paid by the 15th of the month will result in a student not being allowed to take class until the balance and fees are resolved. All accounts more than 30 days past due will be turned over to our collections agency.
- Tuition will always be the same whether there are 3, 4, or 5 weeks. The longer months and extra rehearsals compensate for the shorter months. We do not charge by the class but rather by the session, which takes into account all scheduled holidays and breaks.
- 10% off each additional sibling.
- Absolutely no refunds! No financial credits for missed classes. No exceptions will be made. If a child misses a class, he/she is welcome to make up in another class. Please schedule make-up classes with our Office Manager.
- If a student is withdrawing from a class, we require written notice via our Class Withdrawal and Automatic Payment Cancellation form. This form must be turned in and its receipt acknowledged by a Centerstage representative at least 30 days prior to our next billing cycle. Many of our classes are on a waitlist and we need to notify the people on the waitlist to fill vacant spots. If we are not notified of a withdrawal 30 days prior, you will still be held financially responsible and you will receive an invoice for the appropriate amount as well as any late fees that have accrued.
Annual Registration Fee: $35 per student/$80 per family
Drop-In Class: $20
Hours of Class Per Week | Price Per Month |
One ½ hour of class per week | $60.00 per month |
For 45 minutes per week | $65.00 per month |
For 1 Hour per week | $75.00 per month |
For 1 1/4 Hours per week | $82.00 per month |
For 1 ½ Hours per week | $95.00 per month |
For 2 Hours per week | $120.00 per month |
For 3 Hours per week | $155.00 per month |
For 4 Hours per week | $180.00 per month |
For 5 Hours per week | $205.00 per month |
For 6 Hours per week | $225.00 per month |
For 7 Hours per week | $240.00 per month |
For 8 Hours per week | $255.00 per month |
For more than 8 hours per week, please see the front desk |
Other Costs to be Aware of:
- In lieu of a recital fee, we sell tickets to our shows. Ticket prices will range from $25-$35 per ticket.
- A costume fee will be charged for each dance class in which a student performs. Dancers will keep these costumes. Costumes will range from $65-$105 per class. Accessories, for example, Poms, are an additional cost. Payments will be due in November and December. Dancers will also need to purchase the appropriate tights for their costumes, which range from $13-20 if you order them through the studio.